FENCING! Who does not want to be a knight, a hero, or take a challenge to outsmart and outmaneuver an opponent? It is FUN!
We welcome visitors to look around and meet our coaches and members during our training. A one-on-one introductory lesson can be scheduled by appointment only. Cost $40.
Contact us for scheduling a lesson! E-mail: Phone: 732.383.5124
You will learn about the three Olympic weapons: epee – foil – saber, target areas, rules. You can try them all. Wear comfortable clothing and clean or indoor sneakers. Bring water! We are sure you will like this exhilarating experience! Contact us to schedule your visit. Fill out and bring back a copy of the USA Fencing Trial membership application and the copy of the signed Waiver.
Fencing provides a good physical workout, it improves coordination, balance, concentration, and strategic thinking. It challenges mind and body—and did we mention: IT IS FUN!
Fencing clothing and gear covers the whole body, so it provides good protection. Fencing masks – a strong mesh head gear – are standard equipment. We provide free sanitized equipment to our beginners. When they become members, they can buy or rent equipment. Fencing clothing is easily maintainable and can be washed.
Fencers aim to win 5-10-15 touch bouts (matches). They start from behind the “On Guard” line, where the fencers are about 13 feet apart. We use 3.5-foot-long epees, foils or sabers and move forward and backward on the 52 feet long fencing strip. To set up a good attack or good defense, we always must consider the best distance. The rules of fencing mandate that fencers salute each other before and after bouting (sparring); due to COVID-19 we no longer do courtesy handshakes after a bout.
Give it a try ! E-mail: Phone: 732.383.5124
You want to have a little more experience before truly committing to year-around fencing and maybe competing!
One month session with 4/8 private lessons are the fastest way to learn and understand the the basics of fencing. In addition, practice movements and form in our footwork classes, which we offer two times a week free to our members.
Cost for 4/8 private lessons:
$240/$480 ( 20 minutes lessons )
You will enjoy full membership benefits in your first month a $170 value!